OSU Extension Champaign County has a late spring pasture walk planned for May 29th, from 6-9PM. The location is 4145 E. SR 296 - at Cable Acres Farm, home of the Daggers. This meeting follows up on the interest from the Hay & Pasture Night program that was held in March.
We will have Bob Hendershot, USDA-NRCS Grazing Specialist speak to the group about grazing management. With the problems of last year for forages, many should benefit from Bobs discussion on pasture species, planning for grazing, fencing, water availability and animal management. Bob has a world of experience and together we will walk through the Daggers pasture areas discussing what works, what can be improved and how to be manage the pastures for best animal gain.
The Daggers have in addition to the pastures at the farm, a heavy use pad, a manure storage area and a winter stockpiling setting all for beef animals. Just because we have beef animals the night of the walk doesnt mean we wont talk about other species. Bob is a sheep producer himself, but is also knowledgeable about horse, goat and beef needs.
There will be several other pasture walks throughout the summer with neighboring counties in conjunction with OSU Extension, too. While you may learn a lot about pasture management at one of the walks it is even better if you can plan to attend several of the walks throughout the summer on the third Thursday of each month.
All local grazers should plan to attend, no reservations needed, May 29th from 6-9PM at 4145 E. SR 296 hosted by all the Dagger Families watch for the OSU Extension Field Day direction signs leading to the site. Directions: travel north from Urbana on US 68, go east on SR 296, cross Ludlow Road continuing east on SR 296, don't go up the hill - go left following SR 296, then the farm is on the right at 4145.