The "Pasture for Profit" will be held the
evening of December 4 and 6, 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm and concludes on Saturday,
December 8, 2012 9:00 am until noon. The program will be held at the Jackson
Agricultural Research Station, OARDC, 019 Standpipe Road, Jackson Ohio
The topics to be covered at the three day grazing school include; What is
MiG and What are Your Goals and Objectives of Your Grazing System?, Evaluating
Your Resources, Understanding Plant Growth, Grazing Economics, Forage Species
Selection, Grazing Systems and Contingency Plans for the Good, Bad and Ugly,
Paddock Layout and Design, Pasture Soil Fertility. Saturday, the last day of
the school will include a farm visit to view grazing management practices,
including fence and livestock watering systems in the field.
The $30 fee includes refreshments and a large notebook of reference
material. To register, make your check payable to Jackson SWCD, 2026 Fairgreens
Road, Jackson, OH 45640. For further information, contact the Jackson SWCD at 740-286-5208 or the Vinton County SWCD at 740-596-5676. Registration deadline is November 29,