Rory Lewandowski, Extension Educator Wayne County
The Ohio State University – ATI, OSU Extension, and the Ohio
Forage and Grasslands Council is sponsoring a 3-day Grazing Basics School on
September 29, 30 and October 1 of 2015.
The school will be held at the Ohio State University ATI campus in
Wooster. The grazing basics school is
designed for those who are new to grazing livestock and desire to improve their
grazing management skills. For those
graziers with some experience the school offers the opportunity to brush up on
skills or gain some additional knowledge.
The school is structured as a combination of morning
classroom sessions with afternoon hands-on learning and practice. There will be some optional evening sessions.
Instructors include OSU Extension
educators, state specialists, ATI Instructors and industry professionals. Topics
covered during morning sessions include: Understanding Pasture Plant Growth,
Plant Species Selection, Soil Fertility, Matching Forages to Livestock Nutrient
Needs, Minerals, Fencing, Water Systems, Stockpiling, and Economics. The
afternoons include interactive sessions covering pasture measurement, paddock
setup, livestock grazing, forage and weed identification, nutrient management, water
and fencing systems. These sessions will
take place at the 1700 acre Ohio State ATI Grace Drake Learning
Laboratory. During these afternoon lab
sessions, vendors including seed, feed, fencing and grazing water supply
companies will be on hand to explain their products and facilitate some of the
The cost of the school is $150/person which includes
continental breakfast, handouts, noon lunch and refreshments. Pre-registration is required by September 22. For more information about the grazing basics
workshop including a registration form and lodging options, go to the Wayne
County Extension web site at: or contact the Wayne County Extension office
at 330-264-8722.